<string id="httpd_error" value="The built-in HTTP daemon cannot be started. It is either blocked by other programs or the port is occupied. MediaCoder's built-in HTTP daemon only listen on localhost and is used to generate some user interfaces of MediaCoder. If it cannot start, MediaCoder will still run but some user interface will not show."/>
<string id="transcoding" value="transcoding in progress..."/>
<string id="WM_WIN9X" value="Windows Media Video ei tuettu Windows 98/ME."/>
<string id="UNABLE_CROP" value="Unable to do Easy Crop as video width and height of the file cannot be determined."/>
<string id="NO_READY_ITEM" value="All items in the list have been transcoded. Do you want to reset the state of all the items?"/>
<string id="NO_ITEM" value="There is no item to transcode."/>
<string id="EXIT_CONFIRM" value="The transcoding is in progress. Do you really want to exit?"/>
<string id="NO_FILE" value="You need to add one or more files into the transcoding list before you can perform this operation."/>
<string id="PLUGIN_XML_ERROR" value="The XML in the plug-in is not valid."/>
<string id="CROP_CONFIRM" value="Do you want to keep the change of the cropping parameters?"/>
<string id="PSP_DIRECT" value="PSP is connected. Do you want to directly transcode into your PSP?
(Output folder will be set to)"/>
<string id="CHANGE_DEST_DIR" value="The output folder is not accessible at the moment. Please choose another folder as the output folder."/>
<string id="DRIVE_ABSENT" value="The drive of the output folder is not avaiable. If it is a removable drive, it may have been removed or disconnected."/>
<string id="NO_DEV_PLUGIN" value="No device plugin is available."/>
<string id="URL_ERROR" value="The URL isn't likely to point to any streaming media."/>
<string id="CROP_TIPS" value="Hold left mouse button down inside the video window and drag to set the left/top position of the cropping area.
Drag the outer edge of the video window to set the width/height of the cropping area."/>
<string id="DEVICE_TIP" value="Please note that the current settings have been modified by the plug-in.
Choose Yes if you want to leave all the settings as they are. Choose no to revert all settings to their defaults."/>
<string id="PRESET_NEW" value="You are about to create a new preset. Are you sure you want to do this?"/>
<string id="PRESET_ERR_LOAD" value="Unable to load the preset file."/>
<string id="PRESET_ERROR" value="Error accessing to preset file."/>
<string id="PRESET_DEL_CONFIRM" value="You are about to delete the selected preset. Are you sure you want to do this?"/>
<string id="DEMO_MSG" value="This is a demo release for evaluation purpose only."/>
<string id="PRESET_DEL_CAT" value="There is no preset left in current catalog. Do you want to remove this catalog?"/>
<string id="PRESET_TIP" value="The catalog is empty. To add a preset into the catalog, type the name for the preset in the preset combo box, make your settings and click Save button."/>
<string id="NO_ENCODER_VER" value="Unable to retrieve version information of"/>
<string id="ver_info" value="%s Version %d.%d.%d build %d (built on %s)"/>
<string id="based_on" value="Based on "/>
<string id="copyright_info" value="MediaCoder is a free software distributed under GPL license.
(C)2005-06 Stanley Huang <reachme@citiz.net>. All Rights Reserved."/>
<string id="pause_error" value="The working encoder doesn't support pausing"/>
<string id="cw" value="CW"/>
<string id="ccw" value="CCW"/>
<string id="KB" value="KB"/>
<string id="split_into" value="Split into clips of %d %s"/>
<string id="keep_choice" value="Do you want to make this choice persistant? If you choose Yes, you won't be prompted for the previous question again in the future."/>